Help Wanted: We Need Better Bike Lanes & Sidewalks on Oahu!

by Leo McMillan-Zilberman Every time I need to get somewhere, I usually take my bike or walk. I like to bike because it’s fuel-efficient and you can still go fast. Except that when I bike, there are hardly any bike lanes to go in. Most of the bikeways that we have are too small without […]
A Very Scary Article About Climate Change!

Every year around the world people are dying as countries continue breaking heat records. The main reason why this is happening is because of global warming. If global warming keeps on expanding most life on Earth will die as we know it. I will explain my thoughts on climate change because, in my opinion, I […]
Broken Paradise: Homeless in Hawaii

You’re walking around on the sidewalk in Honolulu and suddenly you smell something weird, you take a look and you see a bum on the sidewalk, the source of the smell. Every time I walk on the sidewalk I see homeless people who smell like they haven’t showered in years. When walking on the sidewalks […]