About Honolulu Vibes

HonoluluVibes.com is an independent online magazine focused on telling the stories of the people of the Oahu. We promote citizen-based features, photos, and video.
“We hope to bring together the best of the people and put out a great Magazine,” says the HonoluluVibes.com publisher Erica McMillan
We’re happy that you are curious About Us and interested in learning more. At honoluluvibes.com we are striving to bring quality, thought-provoking, entertaining, and educational media to everyone with an internet connection. We believe the bulk of mainstream media is either one-sided or completely ignores important issues influencing our lives and communities. This censorship makes it difficult to have a holistic and accurate view of issues being presented if they’re spoken about at all. You may find articles and information here that you disagree with and that is great! The point is to get people thinking and creating discussions!
Check out this link for a great write-up about what we’re doing by
If you have any questions, please feel free to drop us a line. If you don’t get an answer immediately, we might just be travelling through the middle of nowhere. We’ll get back to you as soon as we can. That’s a promise! Get in touch
* Some of our news and feature films come from our searches on the web to gather important and quality content to share with our viewers. We strive to adhere to all copyright laws and to honor the wishes of the producers represented here.
Thank you from the HonoluluVibes.com!