808 Cleanups: Keeping Oahu Clean and Green

Volunteer with 808 Cleanups and Help Keep Oahu Beautiful
The globe is struggling under the pressure of pollution– CO2 emissions and litter on a large scale is causing our mother Earth to cave. Along with the rest of the world, Hawai’i is equally at risk due to poor environmental practices. However, things are looking up as volunteers of the local community are making efforts through nonprofit organizations to sustain this land many have called home for years.

About 808 Cleanups
808 Cleanups is a nonprofit organization that hosts cleanup missions and other environmentally conscience programs. One of their programs called, “Adopt a Site”, allows community members to choose a location on the islands and work with 808 Cleanups so they can supply equipment get the word out to volunteers. 808 Cleanups also works with schools in order to inform children and adults alike about pollution and graffiti in Hawai’i. Both 808 Cleanup employees and volunteers alike can be a part of the education team!
I attended their trash pick up event at Kaka’ako Waterfront beach park and it was a lovely experience! I met lots of new people, had the privilege to converse with Michael Loftin, the co-founder, and most importantly, was able to give back to the community. This experience gave me an insight on what it takes to execute and stay committed to a nonprofit’s mission, and how initiatives like this have positively impacted the planet.

Not only is 808 Cleanups a great way to get involved with the community, but is also simply a fun time to meet new people while helping the environment. Edeline Ascue, a fellow volunteer, decided to attend the Kaka’ako event on her birthday and shared, “everyone wants to celebrate their birthday and I figured well, why not just give back?”
Aside from hosting these initiatives, 808 Cleanups simply aims for, “encouraging people to see themselves as being action takers”, as co-founder Michael Loftin states, when it comes to picking up trash on a more casual basis. Although many parts of Hawai’i are still heavy illegal dumping sites, 808 Cleanups has not relinquished their commitment. Since the beginning of their efforts, 808 Cleanups has managed to collect over 800,000 lbs of trash and has had over 51,000 volunteers participate.

Malama ‘Aina & Volunteer!
Become a part of this amazing cause and volunteer! 808 Cleanups posts a calendar of all their events on their website, 808cleanups.org. All you need to do is RSVP by emailing 808cleanups@gmail.com, and fill out their short waiver via their website. They provide buckets, gloves, litter pickers, and cooking tongs on-site when you arrive, so I just recommend wearing comfortable clothes and bringing a water bottle. Mālama ‘āina and seize the opportunity to help this amazing organization and the land altogether.

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